Insurance Broker Resources

We are pleased to partner with our local broker/agent community to save Kentucky businesses money and offer quality partnerships on health insurance, workers’ compensation, and workplace benefits.



If you have questions, please contact Mea Durham at

Insurance Agents with questions about quoting please contact your Anthem representative or general agent. 

Transparency in Coverage Act

Broker Resource: Consolidated Appropriations Act Toolkit

The Transparency in Coverage Act requires health plans to post machine-readable files (MRFs) that can be read by other computer systems which disclose detailed pricing data regarding network negotiated rates for items and services, and historical payments to and billed charges from out-of-network providers. This button is a link to our MRFs, which are in the CMS defined format (JSON) and are not meant for a member-friendly search of rates, benefits, or cost sharing. Members should log in to for this information.