Advertising Opportunities

Kentucky Chamber News

Published six times a year, the award-winning Kentucky Chamber News reaches over 2,600 readers per issue and is mailed to Chamber members throughout the Commonwealth. Of those readers, many are involved in company purchasing decisions. That makes advertising in Kentucky Chamber News a valuable opportunity to reach key business people. 

View Past Issues

  • Total readership: Over 2,600 per issue
  • 96% of Kentucky counties
  • Statewide business news coverage reaching presidents, CEOs, business owners, and managers of every kind of business

Submission Guidelines

Format: 300 dpi cmyk jpeg or pdf or eps.

Color: 4-color process (CMYK). No RGB or PMS colors.

Line screen: 150 lpi (300 dpi or greater, including photographs)

Please submit artwork to Andrea Flanders at

Ad Policy: Kentucky Chamber News accepts advertising of products and services of interest to business people across the Commonwealth from its members. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any  advertisements. Kentucky Chamber News does not accept any political advertising.

Size Specifications

Ad Sizes
1/8 page horizontal: 4.83 in. wide x 3.72 in. tall
1/4 page vertical: 4.83 in. wide x 7.75 in. tall
1/4 page horizontal: 10 in. wide x 3.72 in. tall
1/2 page horizontal: 10 in. wide x 7.75 in. tall
Back cover: 8.75 in. wide x 11.25 in. tall

Bottom Line E-Newsletter

Kentucky Chamber Bottom Line e-newsletter delivered on a weekly basis (every Thursday) to 9,000 inboxes of statewide business leaders and legislators. We feature issues and news important to businesses and their bottom lines as well as information about upcoming events and our preferred vendors.  Advertising space is limited to only two advertisers per issue.

View Past Issue

Bottom Line is distributed each Thursday and artwork with hyperlink is due Wednesday.

Member Ad Rates
Contact us for Frequency / Cost per Issue

Artwork Specifications
600 pixels wide by 270 pixels tall

Ads must be submitted as jpg images with a corresponding hyperlink to Andrea Flanders at

Agency Commission: All rates are commissionable to Kentucky Chamber member agencies at 15%.


For more information or to secure advertising space, contact Andrea Flanders at (502) 848-8786 or