Since our inception in 1946, the Kentucky Chamber has worked to achieve the goal of uniting businesses and advancing Kentucky by ensuring the implementation of policies that protect and bolster our companies across the state.
Known as the premier business advocate in the halls of the Capitol, we have led many victories to protect businesses’ money with reforms to the workers’ compensation system, growing economic policies through things like right to work legislation, improving our future workforce by focusing on quality education, and much more.
The Chamber works tirelessly for our members through innovative solutions to some of the state’s biggest issues. A lot has changed in 75 years. But one thing that remains constant is the Kentucky Chamber’s efforts to serve, protect, and advance businesses across the Commonwealth. Cheers to our first 75 years of leadership and results!
We look forward to you, our members, joining us in making the next 75 years even brighter for Kentucky!
A Message From Kentucky Chamber President and CEO Ashli Watts
Members Share the Value of the Kentucky Chamber
Timeline of the Kentucky Chamber
75 Years of Kentucky Chamber Leadership