FRANKFORT, Ky. (Aug. 9, 2012) – The Kentucky Society for Human Resource Management (KYSHRM) and the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce are now accepting applications for the ninth annual Best Places to Work in Kentucky. The program is a multi-year initiative encouraging companies in the Commonwealth to focus, measure and advance workplace environments toward excellence. If you think your company is one of the Best Places to Work in Kentucky, apply today. Friday, Oct. 26, 2012, is the application deadline. Registration information and further details about the program can be found online at www.bestplacestoworkky.com.
Best Companies Group will survey participating companies and reveal award winners in January 2013. Award winners will receive a final ranking at an awards ceremony on April 16, 2013 in Lexington. The rankings and in-depth interviews with the winners will also be published in the Best Places to Work in Kentucky magazine that will be distributed at the conclusion of the awards event.
Winners will be selected from two categories, small/medium-sized companies of 25 to 249 U.S. employees and large-sized companies consisting of more than 250 U.S. employees. The selection process is based on an assessment of the company’s employee policies and procedures and the results of an internal employee survey. Best Companies Group manages the assessment and survey based on research and list selection. All participating companies will receive the survey feedback, enabling them to develop plans and implement necessary steps to create a great workplace and continue to improve business performance. These companies will also receive a 30-minute phone session with Best Companies Group consultants to evaluate results of the employee feedback report.
“Supporting employers in creating great places to work is not only the right thing to do, but the smart thing to do,” states Cathy Fyock, CSP, SPHR, Chair KYSHRM. “Best Places sets the standard for developing high performance cultures with engaged and committed talent that is critical to our success nationally and globally.”
For information about KYSHRM, visit www.kyshrm.org. For information about the Kentucky Chamber, visit www.kychamber.com.