The 2013 session of the Kentucky General Assembly has come to a close with a flurry of late night compromises, resulting in many important pieces of legislation passing for business.
Many were skeptical that the bi-partisan tone established early in session would lead to real progress for the Commonwealth. Fortunately, 30 legislative days later, we can reach conclusions based on what happened. Despite major philosophical differences on some emotional issues and competing political agendas among key players, the bipartisan atmosphere in Frankfort, by and large, was sustained and produced real, measurable results for the Commonwealth. For the first time in many years, policy championed over politics.
The Kentucky Chamber and the business community saw a number of “wins” this legislative session. Ultimately, compromise enabled many business-friendly bills to work through the legislative process and be sent to the governor for his signature. Click here to download our 2013 Results for Business.
Overall, the 2013 legislative session was a success – not only in tone, but in the progress that was achieved. When legislators are willing to sit down and work through tough issues, real progress is possible. On behalf of the thousands of business leaders representing the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, we commend the General Assembly and look forward to working toward more progress in the future.
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Wednesday, April 24, 2013