We are genuinely disappointed in the governor’s veto of House Bill 407. It was one of the few bills passed by the 2014 General Assembly that would directly lead to job creation in Kentucky and was passed in an overwhelming bi-partisan manner. The Kentucky Chamber and more than 30 association partners from across the state will immediately and aggressively be asking the General Assembly to override this ill-advised veto.
House Bill 407 will fundamentally change the way projects and services are delivered, bringing private sector innovation and additional layers of accountability to the government contracting process. This legislation will save taxpayers money by reducing the financial risk to taxpayers. Public-private partnerships are used in 34 states, including every surrounding state, to create jobs. It is time for Kentucky to do the same.
Business leaders, labor unions, mayors, city officials and economic development groups all support HB 407. We will be rallying the support of the 86 members of the House and 27 members of the Senate who voted to support P3s to override this veto. In Kentucky, it only takes a simple majority of each chamber to override, starting in the House of Representatives. We are confident strong support exists among members of the General Assembly to override this veto.
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Additional Information from kychamberblog.com:
· Chamber applauds passage of P3 legislation
· Governor urged to sign P3 jobs bill
· Who supports the P3 Jobs bill?