The Kentucky Chamber PAC, the independent political action committee of the Kentucky Chamber, has announced its endorsed candidates for election to the Kentucky General Assembly. The Chamber’s primary focus is to advance policies that improve Kentucky’s business climate to create and expand prosperity. Chamber PAC-endorsed candidates have demonstrated a commitment to free enterprise and support for policies that expand opportunities for job growth and investments.
The Kentucky Chamber PAC evaluated candidates based on answers to the Kentucky Chamber candidate survey, additional surveys and interviews conducted by the Chamber and other business friendly groups, past voting records and additional information from the Chamber’s network of businesses advocates throughout the Commonwealth.
“The candidates have been endorsed based on their commitment to pro-jobs policies,” said Chamber PAC Chairman Steve Loyal. “These candidates understand that fostering an attractive business environment through sound tax, regulatory and tort policies, as well as a focus on educational excellence, is critical to strengthening Kentucky’s economy and making our Commonwealth more competitive.”
PAC identifies critical races
The Kentucky Chamber PAC-endorsed candidates indicated in blue below have also been identified as key candidates in critical races. The Kentucky Chamber PAC has identified these individuals as being the clear pro-business candidate in a tight election and encourages business leaders from around the state to consider making a contribution – whatever the amount – to help elect these champions for business.
The Kentucky Chamber PAC strongly urges business support for the following Candidates. Please consider making a contribution to the following pro-business candidates who are facing tough re-elections. Click here to find out how to contribute to these candidates’ campaigns.

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Sunday, October 12, 2014