During the Kentucky Chamber’s 4th Annual Kentucky Energy Management Conference on Nov. 18, Attorney General Jack Conway will deliver the opening address. Conway’s presentation will focus on the 12-state lawsuit filed against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that seeks to block a proposed rule that would limit carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants.
In August, Kentucky joined West Virginia, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, South Carolina and Wyoming in a suit that cites a previous U.S. Supreme Court ruling that prohibits the EPA from issuing power plant rules under section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act, when a separate section already regulates them. The Chamber voiced opposition to the carbon emission standards in June.
Additionally, the two-day conference will further explore the proposed EPA standards in a session titled “Proposed Standards for Existing Power Plants – Use of the Building Blocks in Kentucky.” John Lyons, Assistant Secretary for Climate Policy, Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet will explore the potential ramifications of the proposal to limit greenhouse gas emissions from existing power plants and how Kentucky can respond.
Other conference speakers include Karen Alderman Harbert, President and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Institute for 21st Century Energy, and Joseph W. Craft III, President, CEO and Director of Alliance Resource Partners, L.P. Click here to view a detailed agenda; click here to register.