Kentucky Chamber Workforce Center Announces 30 Local Leaders to Attend Kentucky’s First Talent Pipeline Management Academy
An initiative to help Kentucky’s businesses find, train, and retain employees
FRANKFORT— Thirty leaders of business, industry, and education from across the state have been named as the first Champions selected to attend Kentucky’s Talent Pipeline Management (TPM) Academy.
Earlier this year, Kentucky was designated by the U.S. Chamber Foundation as one of three states to implement the academies, and the Kentucky Chamber Workforce Center was chosen to carry out the TPM initiative in the Commonwealth.
Talent Pipeline Management is an employer-led approach to identifying specific workforce needs as well as training and quality issues and solutions to persistent workforce-related challenges. The TPM Academy is a three-part program to train Champions on ways to build talent supply chains and launch TPM in their own communities.
Since achieving the TPM designation, the Chamber’s Workforce Center has focused on engaging employers to work together on a sector and regional basis to address their workforce needs. The work is being done with the support of the Strada Education Network, a national nonprofit and the founding partner of the Kentucky Chamber Workforce Center, and in partnership with the Kentucky Education & Workforce Cabinet.
The Workforce Center’s Talent Pipeline staff and the Champions selected for the TPM academy will focus on creating specific strategies to meet the needs of different industry and regional sectors. By July 2020, more than 25 employer groups, representing regions as well as business and industry sectors, are to be convened to build talent pipelines for 75 high-demand positions.
The 30 TPM Champions, representing business, nonprofit organizations, public entities and communities are:
Ellen Bates, Talent Development Coordinator, Kentucky Career Center, Brighton Center
Samantha Brady, Executive Director, Bardstown-Nelson County Chamber of Commerce
Tiffany Cardwell, Principal Consultant, Mountjoy Chilton Medley
Daniel Carney, Executive Director, Springfield-Washington County Economic Development Authority
Maureen Carpenter, Vice President, Partnership Services, Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce
Tomi Clifford, Executive Director, Cynthiana-Harrison County Chamber of Commerce
Brittany Corde, Director of Workforce, Maysville Community and Technical College
Michelle DeJohn, Business Services Branch Manager, Kentucky Career Center, Office of Employment & Training
Michelle Drake, Workforce Training and Business Administrator, Green River Area Development District
Carter Dyson, One Stop Director, Kentucky Career Center-Lincoln Trail
Jeremy Faulkner, Director of Business Services & Economic Development, TENCO Workforce Innovation Board
Michael Fuller, HR/Account Manager, Stryker Logistics
Carmen Inman, President/CEO, Frankfort Area Chamber of Commerce
Ethan Linville, Business Services Specialist, Bluegrass Area Development District
Brian Lovell, Assistant Superintendent of Compliance & Workforce Development, Union County Public Schools
Bryan Lummus, Personnel Recruitment and Development Coordinator, Alliance Coal
Terri Lundberg, CEO, Lundberg Medical Imaging
Lea Martin, Workforce Development Liaison, Hopkinsville Community College
Owen McNeill, Economic Development Director, Maysville-Mason County Industrial Development Authority
MaryAnne Medlock, Business Services Liaison, West Kentucky Workforce Board
Angie Miller, Administration/HR Manager, Murakami Manufacturing USA
Ian Mooers, Economic & Entrepreneur Liaison, Eastern Kentucky Concentrated Employment Program
Leisa Mulcahy, Vice President of Workforce, Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce
Sidney Riney, Executive Assistant/Office Manager, Greater Owensboro Economic Development Corporation
Whitney Risley, Manager of Existing Industries and Workforce Development, Kyndle
Jessie Schook, Manager of Workforce Development and Education, Greater Louisville Inc.
Natalie Shepard, Partnership Manager, Commerce Lexington Inc.’s Business & Education Network
Shirlene Taylor, Business Services Representative, Lake Cumberland Area Development District
Joyce Wilcox, Industry Liaison, EKCEP
Ashley Wilczek, Director of Human Resources, Superb IPC