Kentucky Energy Management Conference - Agenda

Wednesday | May 7, 2025

8:00 a.m.
Registration and Continental Breakfast with Sponsors

8:30 a.m.    
Welcome and Overview
Timothy J. Hagerty, Partner, Frost Brown Todd LLP

8:30 a.m. 
Energy Issues Facing the Commonwealth
Kate Shanks, Senior Vice President, Public Affairs, Kentucky Chamber

The Kentucky Chamber’s Director of Public Affairs will provide an overview of pressing energy and environment issues currently facing Kentucky. Cox will share insights for business on legislative and regulatory issues likely to be taken up in Frankfort and Washington in the coming year.

8:45 a.m. 
Opening Keynote: 2025 and Beyond: The Future of Energy Under the Trump Administration
Christopher Guith, Senior Vice President, Global Energy Institute, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

9:45 a.m.
Morning Break with Sponsors

10:00 a.m. 
Energy and Environment in a Presidential Election Year: The Only Certainty is Uncertainty 
Timothy J. Hagerty, Partner, Frost Brown Todd LLP

11:00 a.m. 
Baseload Generation Dispatch in a Regional Transmission Organization 
Brian Weisker, Senior Vice President & President, Natural Gas Business Unit, Duke Energy  

Understanding the economics of baseload generation requires an understanding of how regional transmission organizations influence the operation of a generating unit. As the Commonwealth continues to evolve policies to ensure affordable and reliable generation, it is important that business leaders appreciate the complexities of operating a utility that participates in the market. As a former coal plant manager, and the current head of Duke Energy’s natural gas unit, Brian Weisker will share his perspective of operating a generating unit and navigating the external influences that come from participating in PJM.

12:00 p.m.
Luncheon with Sponsors

1:00 p.m.
Energy Transition Updates and Predictions 
Gregory Dutton, Partner, Frost Brown Todd LLP 
Thomas LoTurco, Executive Vice President, East US, Canada & Government Affairs, EDP Renewables North America
Jarrod Pitts, Senior Director, Project Development, Tenaska
Kenya Stump, Executive Director, Kentucky Office of Energy Policy 
Jayce Walker, Director, Development – East Region, Recurrent Energy

Industry experts will discuss topics that include the future of IRA funding, the impact of Trump’s Executive Orders, potential future impacts of Trump Administration, the status and impact of PJM and MISO backlogs, EV infrastructure development, developments with nuclear investments in Kentucky, the status of construction and operations now that solar facilities are coming on-line in Kentucky, investment and construction of BESS in Kentucky, alternative clean energy developments, and the overall energy development climate in Kentucky.

2:00 p.m.
Making Sense of Emerging Federal Policies and What They Mean for Kentucky
Michelle Bloodworth, President and CEO, America’s Power

2:45 p.m.
Afternoon Break with Sponsors

3:00 p.m.
Kentucky Nuclear Energy Development Authority Update 
Speakers TBA
3:45 p.m. 
Low-Impact Large-Scale Solar Development: Eliminate Grading for Sustainable Land Use 
Greg Wolfson, Vice President of Business Development, Nevados Engineering, Inc.

Large-scale solar farms often face criticism for disrupting ecosystems, degrading soil, and causing water runoff issues. This presentation describes a smarter, more sustainable way of building solar that minimizes site disruption and preserves the natural environment. Using a low-impact approach, Nevados’ TRACETM All Terrain Tracker® eliminates costly and environmentally destructive grading on undulating terrain and steep slopes up to 37%, reducing reliance on stormwater basins, mitigating erosion risks, and preserving vital topsoil.

The patented articulating design elegantly follows the natural landscape and maintains consistent pile heights – which saved 43 miles of steel on one 170 MW project. By eliminating grading, customers typically save an average of $700,000 on 95,000 cubic yards of earthmoving for each 100 MW. The non-invasive design also accelerates project commissioning and cuts installation time and labor costs by 38% compared to leading competitors in an independent study.

These sustainable practices work with the land, enhancing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance while derisking projects by easing permitting, improving community acceptance, and aligning with conservation requirements. Without the need for revegetation, fertile soil and pollinator habitats are maintained for dual-use applications like agrivoltaics which integrate solar energy with agriculture to enhance biodiversity and land use efficiency.

4:30 p.m. 
Day one Adjourns

Thursday | May 8, 2025

8:00 a.m.
Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:30 a.m.
Welcome and Overview
Timothy J. Hagerty, Partner, Frost Brown Todd LLP

8:45 a.m.
Opening Keynote: 2025 and Beyond: Kentucky’s Energy and Environment Cabinet Under the Beshear Administration    
Rebecca Goodman, Secretary, Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet

9:45 a.m.
Morning Break with Sponsors

10:00 a.m. 
The Future of Energy in Kentucky 
Kimra Cole, President and COO, Columbia Gas of Kentucky, Inc. 
John Crockett, President, LG&E and KU 
Kevin Dobbs, President, Kentucky/Midstates Division, Atmos Energy Corporation 
Jeff Lyash, President & CEO, TVA 
Don Mosier, PE, Executive Vice President, East Kentucky Power Cooperative 
Amy Spiller, President – Ohio and Kentucky, Duke Energy Corporation 
Cindy Wiseman, President & COO, Kentucky Power 
Moderator: Timothy J. Hagerty, Partner, Frost Brown Todd LLP

Utility executives will discuss their strategies for ensuring ongoing reliable and affordable service for energy customers across the Commonwealth – particularly in a time of significant change in the energy markets and regulation. Panelists from the state’s major electric and gas utilities will also discuss essential programs to help customers take advantage of energy efficiency and alternative resources.

11:30 a.m.
Luncheon with Sponsors

12:30 p.m. 
What Is “The Grid” 
Ken Gish, Member, Stites & Harbison, PLLC

People of all walks of life refer to the “Grid” all the time, but what actually comprises the Grid? This presentation will describe the basics of the numerous transmission systems in the US and in Kentucky. The presentation will also identify key challenges facing the transmission system and actions that grid operators are taking to address those challenges.

1:30 p.m.
Inside the Public Service Commission (PSC) 
Angie C. Hatton, Chairman, Kentucky Public Service Commission 
Mary Pat Regan, Commissioner, Kentucky Public Service Commission 
John Will Stacy, Commissioner, Kentucky Public Service Commission 
Moderator: Linda Bridwell, Executive Director, Kentucky Public Service Commission

3:00 p.m.
13th Annual Kentucky Energy Management Conference Adjourns