June 5-6, 2025 | Holiday Inn Louisville East - Hurstbourne
December 11-12, 2025 | DoubleTree Suites by Hilton | Lexington
$695/Kentucky Chamber Member
Special Offer: Send 3 and receive the 4th FREE!
Contact Lori Jo Goff at 502-848-8727 or lgoff@kychamber.com to take advantage of this discount. Special pricing not available online.
Why attend
Have you ever felt that you aren't fully prepared to handle all the challenges of your job? Are you performing well but need a boost to get yourself to the next level? Look no further, the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce has a solution. Attend this powerful, two-day workshop, and we’ll help new, inexperienced or entry-level supervisors/managers develop new skills, address current workplace issues, share tips for engaging and motivating a diverse staff and provide you with the tools you need to become a better, more successful manager.
Managing a diverse workforce and the day-to-day details and objectives of your job is not easy. Regardless of the employee's race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religious faith, physical challenges or age, each of these components of our cultures and environments, either alone or in combinations, offer today's managers and leadership new challenges of awareness and sensitivity. Thus amplifying my first 3 rules of leadership: 1) know your people; 2) know your people; 3) know your people - advanced course to follow.
Note: Attendance is not recommended for experienced/seasoned supervisors and managers.
Who should attend
This seminar is designed for:
• new supervisors and managers
• experienced supervisors and managers who lack formal training
• supervisors and managers who want to enhance and upgrade their skills
Note: Attendance is not recommended for experienced/seasoned supervisors and managers.
Contact Lori Jo Goff