January 27, 2023 | Griffin Gate Marriott Golf Resort & Spa | Lexington
This event has been cancelled.
$399/Kentucky Chamber Member and/or KYSHRM Member
SPECIAL OFFER: Send one get one FREE!*
*Not available through online registration. Contact Lori Jo Goff by email or call 502-848-8727 to take advantage.
Why Attend
The focus of wellness is changing: employers are more focused on keeping healthy employees healthy — not just encouraging unhealthy employees to change their lifestyles. Improving the health of at-risk employees, while maintaining the wellness levels of already healthy employees is the key to lower health care costs and higher workplace productivity. Employers who take aggressive action toward implementing wellness programs will see decreased health care costs, increased awareness for both low and high-risk employees, and reduced absenteeism, which can save the company thousands of dollars on down-time, temporary employment and other factors that come into play when employees cannot work due to illness.This conference will help you understand exactly what it takes to create and implement an effective wellness program, how to measure your return on investment, how to create a culture of health and the legal implications you need to be aware of when implementing or maintaining a worksite wellness program. This is a must attend event for any company that is serious about worksite wellness and will educate you on important trends, laws and standards.
Who Should Attend
- Benefits administrators/consultants/managers/specialists
- Controllers
- Healthcare administrators
- Human resource administrators/directors/managers/generalists/assistants
- Operations
- Safety directors/managers
- Workplace/plant nurses
- Wellness/health/benefits consultants
Contact Lori Jo Goff