OSHA Fall Protection Competent Person Certification - Agenda
- Events
- Event Registration
Workplace Training
- 10th Annual Kentucky Workforce Summit
- Advanced Workers' Compensation Seminar
- 37th Annual Kentucky Human Resource Update-Hybrid
- 23rd Annual Kentucky Environmental Conference
- OSHA 10 & 30 Hour General Compliance Course
- Supervising and Managing People
- 12th Annual Navigating Sales and Use Tax in Kentucky-Hybrid
- 14th Annual Kentucky Energy Management Conference
- 28th Annual Kentucky Environmental Permitting and Reporting Conference
- Virtual SHRM Certification Prep Course
- Best Places to Work in Kentucky
- Kentucky Chamber Day Dinner
- Kentucky Entrepreneur Hall of Fame
- Kentucky Legislative Preview
- Annual Kentucky SHRM Conference
- 78th Annual Dinner
- 5th Annual Women's Summit
- Inclusive Workforce Summit
- 2nd Annual Kentucky Young Professionals Summit
- Event Sponsorship Opportunities
Day One
8:00 a.m.
Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30 a.m.
- Purpose and Overview of Fall Standards
- Scope – What Standards Apply?
- Latest Statistics, Inspections, and Fines Regarding Falls from OSHA
- Duty to have Fall Protection - Employer Responsibility
What is Covered in each Standard
- General Industry
- Construction
- Residential Construction
Responsibilities of a Competent Person
- General Industry
- Construction
Fall Protection Concepts
- Fall Protection
- Positioning
- Restraint
- Fall Arrest
- Identification of Concepts exercise
12:00 p.m.
Lunch (provided)
1:00 p.m.
Hierarchy of Fall Protection
- Passive vs. active fall protection systems
Personal Fall Arrest System
- Anchorage
- Body Harness
- Connective Devices
Calculating Fall Distances
- Arresting Force
- Free Fall
- Deceleration
- Swing Falls
- Safety Factors
- Fall Distance Calculations Exercise
Fall Protection Equipment
- Donning and Doffing
- Hands on Practice
- Recommended Usage
- Maintenance and Storage
- Inspection Requirements
4:30 p.m.
Day one adjourns
Day Two
8:00 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
8:30 a.m.
Anchorage Requirements
- Safety Factor of two
- 5,000 lbs. myth?
Fall Demo
Inspection Exercise
12:00 p.m.
Lunch (provided)
1:00 p.m.
Protection from Falling Hazards
- Dropped Object Protection
- Tool Tethering
- Controlled Access Zones
- Toe Boards
- Nets/Canopies
- Deflection Concepts
Rescue Solutions and Plans
- General Industry
- Construction
Fall Protection Plans
- When Allowed
- Sample Plans
Fall Protection Training
- Who can do the Training
- Qualifications
- When to train
- Training Content
Group Exercise
- Group Tabletop Scenarios
- Identification of Fall Hazards
- Selection of Equipment
- Safety Usage
- Fall Protection Plan
4:30 p.m.
OSHA Fall Protection Competent Person Certifications adjourns